It happened today, this semi-dark soon to be rainy afternoon, after the dog walk but before lunch. The local newspaper provided the perfect, actually more than perfect reason for the needless revisit to my post RELAXING IS RELATIVE. Just four hours ago My Reader whispers. I'm so excited...the clothes in the dryer can wait. Today's... Continue Reading →


STEWED TOMATOES Not a joiner. Never liked to stand out. Always stood at the rear of the crowd. Invites to parties, celebratory showers...even my own bridal shower...were angst ridden. The Mother said, "You have to go to this one...and maybe one more." There you have it. Rinse. Repeat. Rinse. Repeat. Probably a control thing. My... Continue Reading →


FALLING INTO BED "And some artists try to make something out of nothing, order out of chaos, demanding of themselves that they ably communicate structure and composition, colour and balance, and that each piece they create serve to communicate a predetermined issue as well. A piece of art asks people to stop and look in... Continue Reading →


BRAE TOFTS One dollar. Every three years. For the past 25 years. I’ve been paid one dollar, every three years for the past 25 years to move house. I’ve packed my pets and belongings and moved house. To a new house. Different part of the city, same state. Different neighbourhood. It didn’t take me long... Continue Reading →

Dear Mr President (POEM)

MEYERED MARBLE It is curious, is it not, how others find us via our posts in the round-about-traffic, that interchange between and beyond you and me, and me and you, and you? What makes Ellie's POEM of consequence to me? I've begun to wonder what "kids"* think about as they look toward tomorrow. Their future.... Continue Reading →


IRISH FARM HOUSE Did you get my message? The Reader said it was about time we had a sit-down, and The Reader is right. It really is time. There isn't much that comes and goes around that The Reader doesn’t comment on, has an uninvited opinion on or a question about. However, this is not... Continue Reading →


PASS THE PEAS Obtuse comment from My Reader: "It is about time...!"  Personally, I had hoped that 2016 was going to be a banner year for the whole lot of us. However, it looks as if the result on several particular outcomes,  just two mentioned...Brexit and Mr. T...has snapped more than garters, and left more... Continue Reading →


My Reader says I've really truly stepped out of my comfort zone of darkened-corner-wall-flower-status by signing up to be a guest speaker on DOODLEWASH. Charlie O'Shields, an artist himself and a WordPress Freshly Pressed Prominent, show cases his own art, but also provides a WordPress venue for artist's around the world by inviting them to... Continue Reading →


                                     A WORK IN PROGRESS... Note:  My grand-daughter just celebrated her 13th birthday. I know, I know. I didn't think I was old enough to have a thirteen year old grand child...and I'm not. Not really. But while My Reader debates the above "not old enough" statement,  please read the letter I sent to My... Continue Reading →


                                                                        BIRD IN A BOWL Funny thing about that weather. Yesterday on the half-past five morning first dog walk of the day the weather was clear-skied, star-studded crisp and thirty-three degrees. Then again, at the morning nine o'clock second dog walk... Continue Reading →


                                                 SHACK and PUMP HOUSE The telephone would have exploded had he not answered it. The Stepfather knew who it was. His mother. She never minced words. She demanded and commanded. The Old Man was getting old. No, he was already old. He was getting older. There was debt. The Stepfather had to come help... Continue Reading →


No, she never wanted to be a burlesque dancer. What she wanted and only because he asked was a china teacup and saucer preferably English and old, blue or orange or both. Her immediate vision was that it was to be similar to the small collection they once had. The collection he took with him... Continue Reading →


My Reader believes that we are what we quote, undoubtedly because of the folder I keep stuffed with scraps of paper of others’ words, albeit quotes, that resonate to the core. The folder on my desk is a cornucopia of borrowed lines. Words written by the famous, infamous, and sometimes nefarious goons who, on occasion,... Continue Reading →


My Reader is so excited...a trip to Ireland and no bags to pack! There will be no tickets to buy, no baggage fees and best of jet-lag once we all arrive. Accommodations will be provided by MeticulousMick (you OK with that MM?), and I'll buy the first couple of rounds at the corner pub.... Continue Reading →

Fetish for FIGS…

Fetish for FIGS... It came as a challenge It came as a dare, So I went to the studio And plopped in my chair.  What began as the one But concluded with four, It became quite apparent There was room for one more.  Five FIGS to be settled In harmonious collusion, On a bed of... Continue Reading →


FIRST: If we were friends, I mean the kind of friends who lived in the same town or close-by, and saw each other often…met for coffee at least once a week we’d know a lot more about each other. Or, if we had grown up together, had feather-flying pillow fights at sleepovers, or spent tongue-wagging... Continue Reading →


LE CAFE'... As the struggle to re-introduce my right hand back to full use with daily hand exercises, I also continue to sketch and practice endless scales on the piano. My ultimate quest is to learn how (by teaching myself) to watercolour, and [again] play complicated Haydn and Bach duets with my friend, Rosemary. Let... Continue Reading →

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