TALK TALK TALK   "The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things: Of shoes - and ships - and sealing-wax Of cabbages - and kings - And why the sea is boiling hot - And whether pigs have wings." Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass, Ch. 4        


STEWED TOMATOES Not a joiner. Never liked to stand out. Always stood at the rear of the crowd. Invites to parties, celebratory showers...even my own bridal shower...were angst ridden. The Mother said, "You have to go to this one...and maybe one more." There you have it. Rinse. Repeat. Rinse. Repeat. Probably a control thing. My... Continue Reading →


Curious still about the etymological origin of twice…as defined in Origins A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English, authored by Eric Partridge is this: “2. In double degree or quantity (twice as good).”  Twice. As. Good. Originally, my thinking was this would be easier to explain than I’m [actually] finding it to be. I’m attempting... Continue Reading →


My Reader says I've really truly stepped out of my comfort zone of darkened-corner-wall-flower-status by signing up to be a guest speaker on DOODLEWASH. Charlie O'Shields, an artist himself and a WordPress Freshly Pressed Prominent, show cases his own art, but also provides a WordPress venue for artist's around the world by inviting them to... Continue Reading →


No, she never wanted to be a burlesque dancer. What she wanted and only because he asked was a china teacup and saucer preferably English and old, blue or orange or both. Her immediate vision was that it was to be similar to the small collection they once had. The collection he took with him... Continue Reading →


Normally, I’ve been reluctant to besiege My Reader with facts, that particular part of my art researching profession that requires accuracy closely bordering the edge of boredom. However, just this once and feeling safe in the “historical fact” arena because I’ve taken liberal liberties with wording and comments…the curious art researcher and enquiring mind bubbled... Continue Reading →


The day couldn't have been darker, colder, more foreboding or windier. What did we expect? It was, after all, the East Sussex seacoast in early spring; a perfect day to get out of the cottage and explore the neighbourhood in spite of the dreadful weather. Right. The residential hill behind the train station looked straightforward, and looked straight... Continue Reading →


PEAKING Call them what you will: new year's resolutions, personal goals, self-improvements, better behaviors or realistic wishful thinking. My Reader has already made a new and improved list of resolutions for the 2015 new year. This IS a new beginning.  I've read My Reader's list. It is impressive.  No! It is better than impressive it... Continue Reading →

Sometimes things just get away from you. The day. Time. The weather. A swear word (or words) that is or are supposed to be silent but end up being  out-loud swear word(s). Really LOUD out-loud swear word(s). Don't you just hate that when it happens? Occasionally I do, but most of the time not so... Continue Reading →

  At first it was curiosity and wondering about a word. Then mental machinations and mindless wanderings took the high road and soon profound curiosity became a fever-pitched research obsession. It was all about a word, and the word was G-R-E-A-T-N-E-S-S. A good word GREATNESS. A great word. Greatness (n.): from the adjective GREAT to... Continue Reading →


My Reader brought the post in today and set it down on the table. "You've received a letter from your lovely Irish friend. You know...the one who lives in Ireland." Slicing the envelope I quickly but gingerly pull out the sheaves of brightly coloured paper and begin reading heart-felt words written half-a-world away from this... Continue Reading →


WHITE CHAIRIf I wrote to you would you answer?Not because you won’t but because you haven’t.Is it because of all those things I said on pages? I don’t know what else to say that would erase all those words expressed with pen to paper. On those pages euphoria of time and place got the better... Continue Reading →


SUNDAY LUNCH Not to bore you with details but the menu was southern comfort through and through: thin sliced smoked ham, Vermont maple syrup laced with baked beans; collard greens infused with pepper bacon; wine and more wine; peach pie laden with birthday candles and what else?  Real Southern Comfort. War stories recounted years of... Continue Reading →

“What a strange thing is memory, and hope; one looks backward, the other forward. The one is of Today, the other is the Tomorrow. Memory is history recorded in our brain, memory is a painter, it paints pictures of the past and of the day.”                                               Grandmas Moses, primitive painter RED CHAIR                                                    

"Day after day, day after day We stuck, nor breath nor motion As idle as a painted ship Upon a painted ocean." The Rime of the Ancient Mariner  Samuel Taylor Coleridge


My Reader believes that we are what we quote, undoubtedly because of the folder I keep stuffed with scraps of paper of others’ words, albeit quotes, that resonate to the core. The folder on my desk is a cornucopia of borrowed lines. Words written by the famous, infamous, and sometimes nefarious goons who, on occasion,... Continue Reading →


My Reader is so excited...a trip to Ireland and no bags to pack! There will be no tickets to buy, no baggage fees and best of all...no jet-lag once we all arrive. Accommodations will be provided by MeticulousMick (you OK with that MM?), and I'll buy the first couple of rounds at the corner pub.... Continue Reading →

Fetish for FIGS…

Fetish for FIGS... It came as a challenge It came as a dare, So I went to the studio And plopped in my chair.  What began as the one But concluded with four, It became quite apparent There was room for one more.  Five FIGS to be settled In harmonious collusion, On a bed of... Continue Reading →


 Do you ever find it difficult to put into words…words that capture the event…that do justice to every sensory, audible and emotion felt? Can you convey, really convey what happened? Can you describe the experience as whole and not just parts of the whole?  Can you adequately describe what the mind imprinted, and what now... Continue Reading →


FIRST: If we were friends, I mean the kind of friends who lived in the same town or close-by, and saw each other often…met for coffee at least once a week we’d know a lot more about each other. Or, if we had grown up together, had feather-flying pillow fights at sleepovers, or spent tongue-wagging... Continue Reading →

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