My Reader says I’ve really truly stepped out of my comfort zone of darkened-corner-wall-flower-status by signing up to be a guest speaker on DOODLEWASH. Charlie O’Shields, an artist himself and a WordPress Freshly Pressed Prominent, show cases his own art, but also provides a WordPress venue for artist’s around the world by inviting them to submit their own work and a brief bio bit.  (My Reader is instructing me to say that again: Around. The. World.) Impressive and generous. Thank you, Charlie.

You, My Reader, are going to want to attend this dance party Charlie is having for me.  Polish your dance slippers, flex your Tango toes and come early.

I have a feeling my dance card is going to fill up pretty fast…

26 thoughts on “GUEST SPEAKER…

    1. You are the best, Charlie! Today’s dance party was amazing. I think all our guests had a great time. Thanks to you and your generosity of spirit…plus a super dance music playlist!!!

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  1. Bravo to you, my friend! I am so looking forward to playing the wallflower myself and just watching on the sidelines…

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    1. Fat chance of that, My Lovely. You and I are requesting and then dancing to WILD THING by the Troggs. I’m pretty sure Frank is coming to the party and will join us on the dance floor. Polish those dancing shoes and wear your fish-nets. I’ll be wearing? You guessed it…the blue dress, blue dress, blue dress on! XXXRR

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    1. I’ve answered your comment on Charlie’s site. But just wanted to be sure you caught the Tango reference…and I’ve already written your name on my dance card…whether/weather you like it or not….grinning!

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