WC:BALLET PRACTICE“…I rarely draw what I see. I draw what I feel in my body.” whispered on the wind to me but spoken first by British sculptor, Barbara Hepworth.

The following is spoken oh, so eloquently by artist Jasper Johns:

“I have meant what I have done. Or…I have often meant what I have done. Or…I have sometimes meant what I have done. Or…I have tried to mean what I was doing.”


I try to exercise my right to change my mind regularly. Safely said…daily.

I am somewhat in denial at accepting reality. It can [and does] impede one’s vision to what can be accomplished if known facts [ultimately] are “outed” as ambiguous or false. Or both.

Global conditions could be better. Much better.

More peace. Less war.

I Am Accountable should replace E Pluribus Unum.   If not on great seals or coins…then in our consciences.

My Reader is fortunate I stopped when I did…

68 thoughts on “SOMETHING MORE ABOUT…

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    1. Your cynical, yet elbow jabbing in the rudest use of verse…ever, makes me envious of your elbow jabbing yet rude sense of intellect. Leaves me wishing I, too, could say that…out loud. Mait no! There’s room for only one on that particular top shelf. No sad gravy here. I’ll just keep looking up….

      Mutual admiration…continues….

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Looking at yours, as well…inspiring. I’m thinking I may have to take a road trip one of these days and see what Whidbey is all about. I’ll let you know I’m coming so you can put the kettle on! Thank you for looking at my stuff…..Raye

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh goodness! Thank you for the nomination, Skip, and I’m honoured. However, I’ve already accepted a Liebster and feel a second time would be over-the-top especially when others, more deserving, need to be recognized. I do thank you very much and appreciate the thought!! Raye

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Look at where the time has gone….! What?????, you say. It seems like {only} yesterday. HA, I say! Liar. Moving on. Yes. Portland. Yes. Meet up. You and I. Yes to Sammy coming to our beautiful city. Let me know what your availability is…..would love to meet.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve never been called sassy before….a lot of other names…never sassy. I think I’ll take it as a compliment!! Thank you!
      I’ve looked at you as well, CreateArt, and think we might have to get married….but I see you are already taken. Grin.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Any kind of Art is good if it generates the ideas, guesses, imaginations in the viewer, reader, listener mind. I am not sure even the Artists, Writers, Musicians can say exactly what was on their mind by the time of creation their projects. Thoughts are not still substance and its flying constantly through time and space.
    I love your painting because when I am watching on it I am diving deep into my own thoughts and feeling there pretty comfortable, enjoyable and quiet.
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful Art.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Alexander, Thank you for your comment. Making “art” can be both conceptual and emotional. It would be difficult for me to separate the two concepts. I am happy, however, that you find enjoyment in all aspects of what artists offer up….so like your own photography and writing! To you…well done!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my, Judith! Such the word smith and world sharer you are!
      Thank you so much for taking us along on your own personal journey…..and thank you also for your above comment. I am saying the same back to you….full of life…


    1. You and I, Anne,…most likely of the same age or close to…of that era! Bridget Riley, British artist, continues to hold a fascination for me of her precise craftsmanship in line and colour compositions. Op Art movement…remember? Grin…showing my age, as well!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Crikey! – what SUPER artwork! How wonderful to be able to create that …
    Now: “my Reader” … is this a personification of the whole kit’n’boiling? Do all your readers claim a small small part of that One? Bit religious, ain’t it? [grin]

    Liked by 2 people

    1. M.R. Thank you for the comment.
      “Kit’nboiling”….same as “All for one and one for all?”
      If so, that would be a yes, to your question.
      And, My Reader can claim large or small parts…matters not in the over-all scheme of things…roads well travelled.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Jots, thanks so much for dropping by my blog and for the follow, it’s really lovely to meet you and to have our connection with both the Pacific Northwest and England 🙂 I’m looking forward to sharing the journey… 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’ve had this “Something More About…” up for maybe three? going on four? years. You are the very first person to make comment on “E Pluribus Unum”……thank you, thank you, thank you!! Pushing my soap box [now] next to yours……


    1. About that watercolour? I tried to post it to the comment page of your The Last Leaves photograph…but it didn’t work, remember? You have it, don’t you? Use for your enjoyment…or as a comparison…your art and mine. Working on another project at the moment that I’ve got to finish…

      And about that award…if you look at my archives…even though I do so appreciate them, awards, it just takes up too much time for me to figure out how to post/answer/link/etc….it exhausts me!! Thank you for the wonderful inclusion and especially the thought. Jots

      Liked by 1 person

  4. amiga! i’ve been so silent yet always have a little thread that stretches out to you! i’ll be ‘off the grid’ for another month, but wanted to say hi and thanks always for your support. buen viaje – enjoy your time w/your friends; what a great tonic for a challenging year.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I love your blogs, your photos are very beautiful. I’ll be back… I also have a second blog on old pictures.
    SENSUALITE | La beauté à l’état pure

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I think being “giddy and exhausted” at the end of the day with a job might be the closest thing to nirvana we humans can get. I am enjoying my current job as I get to do more of the parts that I love and less of the stuff I didn’t at my old job. I’m not quite giddy, but pleased and tired. Have the greatest of new years. BTG

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pleased and tired…sounds like a nice way to end each day…and look forward to the next?

      The owners of my gallery are shuttering and moving to a new location this spring. Unfortunately…I’m not going with them. Since I work mostly from home, I can continue to fit all those missing ART pieces together and…continue to find new ones. It’s the toots potatoes of a job!!

      Passion. For me, at my stage in life, it has become the recognition of what I was meant to do all along without the fear…and with much gusto…just do it.

      I am honoured you dropped by…apologies for waxing poetic passion.


      1. Wax on. I hope for others to reach a point where they can do what they want to do and not what they have to do. Many are not so lucky. I tell me kids to determine what they like to do (and are good at) and find a way to get paid for it. Take care, BTG


  7. Trawlin’ around, found this – can’t think why I haven’t before since I visit your blog a lot. I love your job too. Can you see this shade of green? I hope it’s pistachio, but suspect it’s a nasty viridian.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Trawlin’ around? You have time for that?????????
      NOTE: Keep thinking I need to rework this page: strobe lights, loud music, appetizers, drinks. I’ll keep thinking about that…..meanwhile…
      Thank you so much, Pat, for always giving me a smile…it’s your snap…always makes me feel better about the day…any day, every day…thanks!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I set aside trawlin’ times. That’s how I find the great blogs on here.
        Like the sound of appetizers and drinks, but you can keep the strobe lights and loud music, happy with a little peace and the soft music you have going is fine with me. Next time I’ll bring my slippers and maybe stay a little longer…

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Your job sounds fascinating. As something of a researcher myself, I can appreciate the excitement of the search and the thrill of reaching the destination. May you always love what you do.

    And I feel honored that you added my blog to your English blogroll. I hope my blog continues to be a worthwhile destination. All the best!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Spent three years in Richmond, Surrey. Canal “boated” with friends both in UK and Ireland, plus travelled the Continent, too. I can’t wait to see your snaps from Chester…a favourite city. Cambridge is my first…especially pre-Christmas. Magical. I love going on your adventures through your snaps. Remind me of “home”….thank you for the ride.


    1. Mornin’ J….morning here…aftrn. there. Thank you so much for stopping by. Read all your posts….almost like being with you…almost! Thinking (just thinking) about re-joining the frey……

      Appreciate your words. All of them.


  9. OH Raye…continue doing what you so beautiful do as you share your life with your “readers”. You life is so much more interesting than my own…we still need to take that bike ride to brunch some day…that darn some day.
    Best wishes always to you, dear one.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Susie, I too enjoy reading about your trials…but mostly your jubilations! Especially as we both (and my other Reader, too) “…head on down, head on down that road…”


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