What can you write about…a bench?
Why would you write about a bench?
It is  something you sit on.
It comes in all shapes, sizes, and materials.



You can sit on a bench alone.
With a friend.
With many friends. Old and young.
With strangers. Old or young.

Benches can be found…anywhere.
In likely places.
In unlikely places.
In surprising places.

Benches relieve tired bodies after long walks.
Benches give  moments to view the view.
Benches evoke memories of words spoken…
And sometimes words left unsaid  for silent reasons.

This bench reminds me of home.
The England home I left behind.
My lovely and cherished friends.

Who remind me,
Yes, I can
Come home again.


The above water colour is my interpretation of a photograph I saw on http://jdtphotography.co.uk/2012/05/30/found-on-all-great-coastal-paths/. Please click on the provided link to see James original photograph. James and I  corresponded for several weeks prior to this posting. Even with an eight-hour time difference between our two homes, his East Sussex, England..mine Portland, Oregon we found common ground in publishing my work based on his photograph of a bench…which we now refer to as…”Our Bench.” It is with his permission that I am able to publish my artistic water colour rendering of his original photograph.

Accreditation: All effort has been made between James, jdtphotography.co.uk and myself to meet all copyright laws and honour his professionalism.  Please click on the provided link to visit his website and view all his work. My admiration for his view of the view is understated and…endless.

Thank you, James.

36 thoughts on “OUR BENCH…

  1. Randomly, I read “Bench Pressed,” and liked it so much that I sought out another reference to benches. This is wonderful! Your writing and the art/photographs are deliciously colorful!


  2. First I should thank Hugh for bringing me to your site; next I’d like to congratulate you on your professionalism concerning copyrights and giving James his credits for the photograph! I enjoyed toggling back and forth between his photo and your painting! Your watercolor is fresh and happy, and it invites the viewer to pause for a while and savor the moment! great job!

    (Thanks, Hugh!) http://hughcurtler.wordpress.com/2012/08/23/the-booker-award


    1. Thanks to Hugh, too!! Yes, James and I emailed each other for several months (jdtphotography.co.uk) working out the copyright details. He was absolutely lovely to work with and consequently we became across-the-ocean friends. Technology is both confusing [to me]…yet magnificent for making our world so much smaller. Don’t you think?
      I hear a YES….


      1. yes, yes, YES – you are correct! We can now tap into any subject with the simple ‘search’ query and become ”novice experts’ on any subject! We also have the honor and luxury of reading posts like yours, all through the magic of cyberspace! Thanks, Z


    1. Thank you, Pat!! Just jumped to your “pages” and now have to follow you everywhere!! Note: NOT A STALKER….an admiring reader. Happy you stopped by so I could “find” you, too!!


      1. Thank you for coming over. Nice to meet you on here. Am following you to, so will see you around.


    1. Thank you so much for “visiting”. I have found you and enjoy your posts…and the Sketchers banter. Just haven’t found the time to join the walks…..but continue to draw at home and around home.
      Again, thank you, Celeste!


    1. Can’t take all the credit….just half… jdtphotography.co.uk gets his share of the applause!!
      Thank you so much for the kudo-riffic words!!…split between the two of us, of course!!


  3. Nice collaboration. Would love to see more of your paintings. I think of benches as a place to tell a stranger a story you could tell no one else; an informal meeting place where folk listen because someone needs to chat about one thing or another.


    1. TM: My w/c’s hold nothing compared to yours. I admit much envy! You are right about the telling of stories while sitting. I especially like the “memorial” tags placed on benches….you can just feel the presence of those who have rested there, enjoyed the view, and talked.

      Coming home soon?


  4. JFASA,
    I finally made it, and I should’ve faster. I love how evocative this piece is.

    Now I promise next time I’ll drop by, I’ll be a smart ass.
    Le Clown


      1. JFASA,
        I like cats too much for that. Will they fetch me a soda pop?
        Le Clown


  5. Reblogged this on jdtphotography.co.uk and commented:
    A collaboration across the seas that has resulted in a friendship and respect for each others work in portraying the world around them. I am indebted to you jotsfromasmallapt and my words cannot match the sentiments I feel for your prose


  6. Wow! OMG. This has been such a wonderful collaboration and your blog has simply bowled me over. As I pick myself up off the floor I realise what it means to feel and to write and this is something I try with my work. You have made an object come alive, breathing life through your watercolour and the beautiful words. A compelling blog. Top notch and I value our new found friendship.


  7. Your watercolour reminds me of a bench that used to be beside the lake here. The Fashion Mister and I used to go walk the 6k around the lake and then sit there on the bench looking over the lake and just enjoy being together. 🙂


  8. Wonderful painting!
    I found that your image and his both evoked different feelings in me.
    His is a bit more desolate, and felt melancholy, yours is warmer and more inviting.

    Love getting two different perspectives of the same thing. And he has some other great pics on his site – thanks for the turn on!


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